November 2, 2023
Career Fair Held for the Department of Mathematics at Quaid-e-Azam University, a Leading Public University in Pakistan

Group photo of faculty members from the Department of Mathematics of Quaid-e-Azam University, together with the event organizing committee and Plus W Inc. members
On November 2nd (Tuesday), a career fair was held for the students of the Department of Mathematics at Quaid-e-Azam University, a public university in Pakistan that prides itself on being one of the best in South Asia for AI and applied mathematics research achievements. The event introduced the students to case examples of advanced data and AI use and applications, and about job opportunities, in Japanese companies.
From Plus W, Mr. Shiono, Head of the Pakistan Japan Center together with Mr. Umair, Vice Head of the Pakistan Japan Center, participated as presenters in the event and gave presentations on case examples about how leading Japanese companies are utilizing cutting-edge technologies, information about job opportunities available for data scientists and data engineers, and also about Mr. Shiono's own project in which he is working as an AI engineer. Although it was initially expected that only the students would join, but the event was also attended by the Chairperson of the Department of Mathematics as well as by other faculty members. The event ended on a very positive note, with many questions being asked such as about job opportunities in Japan as well as about the specific IT technologies that Japanese companies are actively looking for.

Faculty members and students from the Department of Mathematics listening to the presentation by Mr. Umair, Vice Head of the Pakistan Japan Center of Plus W Inc.
After the event, Plus W Inc. members Mr. Shiono and Mr. Umair were interviewed by PTV News, a national TV channel of Pakistan, where they were asked about the job opportunities available for Pakistanis in Japan and also about academic exchange program opportunities, which showed the keen and growing interest in Japan throughout Pakistan.
Starting with this event, we will further strengthen our relationship with Quaid-e-Azam University, as well as with other universities across Pakistan, and promote the further expansion of opportunities for Pakistani IT professionals and for Pakistani IT companies to play active roles in Japanese companies.
Furthermore, based on the selection by the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI) for the “New Business Creation Promotion Support Project in Emerging DX Countries”, this initiative is being implemented as part of a demonstration for the development of advanced IT professionals, with a focus on IT, Japanese language and culture, in the field of human resource development of Pakistan, as well as to promote their matching with Japanese companies.
Overview of Quaid-e-Azam University
Year of Establishment: Established in 1967
Main Location: Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad Capital Territory 15320
Vice Chancellor: Prof. Dr. Niaz Ahmad Akhtar
Number of Students: Around 13,000